The Swedish Gaming Authority’s Regulation Letter for the Budget Year 2023 Has Been Decided by the Government

January 5, 2023 | Government

Strängnäs, Sweden (January 3, 2023) — Every year the government decides on regulation letters for the authorities. The regulation letter states how the authority must work and how much money it can use.

Regulation letter for the budget year 2023 regarding the Gambling Inspectorate
For the budget year 2023, the Riksdag has decided on appropriations and authorizations for financial commitments (prop. 2022/23:1 issue area 17, bet. 2022/23:KrU1, rskr. 2022/23:70).

The government decides that the following shall apply during the budget year 2023 for the Gambling Inspectorate.


1. Objectives and reporting requirements

Information security

The authority must give an overall account of how it worked to manage and develop its information security and how it plans to meet future needs in the area. The authority must specifically report on

– how it has worked to increase the ability to identify and report IT incidents, as well as to be able to quickly take the necessary measures in the event of such an incident

– whether the threats to and vulnerabilities in the authority’s operations have changed as a result of the prevailing global situation, and whether measures have been taken or are intended to be taken due to this.

3. Mission

Knowledge of and development of the self-exclusion register

The authority must map

– the reasons why people withdraw from gambling via the national self-exclusion register

– what proportion of the people who stop playing games choose to play with gambling companies without a Swedish license.

The authority must further investigate the conditions for and the need to be able to offer more or other alternatives for suspension on regarding partly time periods and partly different forms of gambling. When carrying out the assignment, the authority must obtain opinions from the Public Health Authority. The assignment must be reported to the Government Office (Ministry of Finance) by 31 October 2023 at the latest.


The authority must report forecasts with accompanying comments for 2023–2026 on the occasions below. The comments must show which assumptions were used in the forecast, uncertainty factors and any changes to the conditions for the authority to conduct its activities. Furthermore, changes in relation to the previous forecast occasion and the budget decided by the authority must be commented on. In the event of forecast deviations, the authority must indicate which measures have been taken or are planned to be taken. The forecasts must be submitted in the Hermes information system no later than

– February 6
– April 25
– July 28
– October 23.

Ongoing assignments according to special government decisions

Decision Decision on the assignment Accounting date
Mission to continue accepting people with disabilities that result in a reduced working capacity for internships (2021–2023) A2020/02583 on 1 April 2023 and 15 February 2024
Mission to continue accepting newly arrived job seekers for internships 2021–2023 Fi2020/04960 on 1 April 2023 and 15 February 2024
Mission to follow up on the development of gambling and gambling problems in the gambling market Fi2021/03520 on 31 October 2023
Assignment to take energy-saving measures within the state administration Fi2022/02571 on 16 January 2023, 15 February 2023, and 15 March 2023


4. Appropriation

4.1 Allocated grants/grant items (amounts stated in SEK 000)

Expenditure area 17 Culture, media, religious communities and leisure


The Swedish Gaming Authority (Framework)

Disposed of by the Swedish Gaming Authority 78,332
app.1 The Swedish Gaming Authority (frame) 78,332

Conditions for grants 15:1

ap.1 The Swedish Gaming Authority

The appropriation item may be used for the Gaming Authority’s administrative expenses.

4.3 Financial terms


Financial conditions for grants/grant items

Expenditure area 17 Culture, media, religious communities and leisure


Appropriation credit Appropriation balance to be allocated in 2023 Withdrawal of grant amounts
15:1 The Swedish Gaming Authority
app.1 2,349 3% 0
Amounts stated in SEK thousand
The budget savings are tested after any redistribution of budget savings
The table includes grant savings and grant credit which, where appropriate, is disposed of according to §§ 7 and 8 of the grant ordinance (2011:223)

5. Other conditions

5.1 Loan limits and credits

Loan framework for operational investments 10,000
Interest account credit 6,000
Amounts stated in SEK thousand


Payout plan

According to this settlement letter, funds are transferred to the Gambling Inspectorate’s interest account in the National Debt Office according to the following table:
Payment date Amount
2023-01-25 6,528
2023-02-25 6,528
2023-03-25 6,528
2023-04-25 6,528
2023-05-25 6,528
2023-06-25 6,528
2023-07-25 6,528
2023-08-25 6,528
2023-09-25 6,528
2023-10-25 6,528
2023-11-25 6,528
2023-12-25 6,524
Amount 78,332
Amounts stated in SEK thousand
Interest-bearing appropriations/appropriation items that are at the disposal of the Gambling Inspectorate according to this regulatory letter are:
15:1 ap.1 The Swedish Gaming Authority

6. Fees and contributions


Estimated budget for fee-based activities where the income is not allocated

Operation Inc. tit. +/- until 2021 +/- 2022 Int. 2023 Diet. 2023 +/- 2023 Alas. +/- expire. 2023
Fee income
Supervision 9455 73,016 5,000 50,000 35,000 15,000 93,016
License, permit, and registration 9455 8,076 -14,100 28,600 30,000 -1,400 -7,424
Amount 81,092 -9,100 78,600 65,000 13,600 85,592
Amounts stated in SEK thousand
On behalf of the government
Niklas Wykman
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