Responsible Gaming Day in Spain: ONCE Achieves, for the Fifth Consecutive Time, the Highest Certification from the European Lotteries

February 20, 2023 | Responsible gaming

Buenos Aires, Argentina (February 17, 2023) — ONCE has managed to align itself for the fifth consecutive time with the highest European responsible gaming standards in accordance with the criteria established in the Responsible Gaming Certification Framework of European Lotteries, the framework organization for European national lotteries.

ONCE, as a social institution that obtains most of its resources through the marketing of different social, safe and responsible lottery products, has been subject to these evaluation processes for a long time to guarantee that its commercial activity is governed by the principles and responsible gaming best practices.

Thus, since April 2011, the date on which it obtained its first certification in responsible gambling, it has been renewing its corresponding certifications, being a leading lottery and a benchmark in the international context. In fact, of the 71 lotteries throughout Europe associated with European Lotteries, only 16, such as ONCE, are certified five times.

Close collaboration with FEJAR

For the development of its Responsible Gambling Action Plan, ONCE works closely with the Spanish Federation of Rehabilitated Gambling Players (FEJAR), especially in terms of training and awareness of its workers, and its vendors, who they form in unison, with the same message, promoting the same values, and with manuals supervised by technical personnel on the subject.

Thus, both the permanent training and awareness of its employees, the prior risk assessment of all the lottery products marketed, the way of carrying out the different commercial and advertising communications, its close collaboration with its Internet Gaming Channel, JuegosONCE, the commitment of the senior management in its Corporate Governance, the constant training and instruction of the players, the permanent dialogue with the different interest groups, or the investigative action carried out together with other Institutions, are different planes in which in their day by day, ONCE promotes responsible gambling.

All the ONCE lotteries make up a responsible, safe and social gaming offer that allows the Organization to meet its objectives: carry out extensive social and solidarity work, allocating all the income to improve the quality of life of blind and/or disabled people. other disability; and safe and responsible management because ONCE is concerned with guaranteeing the protection of all consumers, from the design of the products to their commercialization.

The ONCE coupon discloses Responsible Gaming Day

ONCE dedicated its February 16 coupon to Responsible Gambling Day, which is celebrated on the 17th. Five million coupons will disseminate at this event and raise awareness about healthy habits related to lotteries.

Responsible Gaming Day aims to raise public awareness of the importance of responsible and safe consumption in terms of purchasing habits in a sector such as gaming, which is increasingly awakening greater social sensitivity.

ONCE, as an institution of a social nature that obtains most of its resources through the sale of different lottery products, to later allocate them entirely to social programs, carries out its commercial activity with respect and subjection to both the current legal system and the most demanding principles and guidelines of Responsible Gaming, nationally and internationally.

For this reason, its deployment regarding Responsible Gaming is not limited exclusively to the issuance of a commemorative coupon for this important date, but rather extends to all its areas of management, always keeping in mind the relevance of a certain way of doing things. , focusing focus, above all, on the person of the consumer.

In 2023, on February 16, one day in advance ONCE issues a coupon with a reason alluding to Responsible Gaming Day, which implies a line of communication already started by our Institution.

SOURCE: Cibelae /

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