“Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz Makes our Country More Beautiful and Better”

March 13, 2023 | Lottery News

Koblenz, Germany (March 10, 2023) — Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz turns 75 this year. To mark this occasion, the gaming company invited representatives from politics, business, culture, sport and public life to an anniversary reception on March 9th at the Rhenania boathouse in Koblenz. Around 180 guests accepted the invitation. The singing duo Mael and Jonas from Koblenz, well-known throughout Germany, provided the musical framework.

Among other things, Lotto managing director Jürgen Häfner was able to welcome members of the Bundestag Josef Oster and Dr. Thorsten Rudolph and from the state parliament the parliamentary group leader Michael Frisch and the MPs Dr. Welcome Anna Köbberling, Jana Horstmann and Josef Winkler. In addition, the state secretaries Dr. Stephan Weinberg, Nicole Steingass and David Profit present.

Many friends of the company also came, including representatives of the Mainz court singers, European football champion Hans-Peter Briegel, decathlon star Kai Kazmirek and high-ranking representatives of the two Bundesliga clubs 1. FSV Mainz and 1. FC Kaiserslautern from the local area Economy, the cultural sector, social initiatives and business partners.

With their presence, around 180 guests made clear the connection to the company, which sees itself as a partner of sports, promoter of culture and supporter of social initiatives and climate protection projects. “The fact that you came in such large numbers shows us that you perceive Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz as an important company in our state and here in the Koblenz region,” said Managing Director Jürgen Häfner.

In his welcome speech, he also pointed out that the gaming company has not only paid out more than eight billion euros to the winners since it was founded in 1948, but has also generated around six billion euros in taxes and levies for the common good. Häfner: “This means that Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz has been one of the largest taxpayers in our state for years.”

Prime Minister Malu Dreyer also acknowledged this, stating in a video message as part of a new company film that many important projects in Rhineland-Palatinate would not have been possible without the support of the Koblenz-based company. The Prime Minister literally: “Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz is a jackpot for our state. I hope that the company will continue to make our country more beautiful and better for the next 75 years.”

“Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz is not based on the principle of maximizing profits, but rather puts the common good first. The bets placed by the players flow back to the general public for the most part. The income is also used to promote public or charitable, church or charitable purposes,” said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, State Secretary for Finance Dr. Stephen Weinberg.

Starting with the traditional Toto sports bet, the gaming company’s range of games has expanded over the decades to include a comprehensive product range of lotteries and sports betting. After pool bets, the popular “6 out of 49” lottery was introduced in 1956, GlücksSpirale followed in 1970, RubbelLotto began in 1981, the daily lottery KENO in 2004 and the European lottery Eurojackpot in 2012.

With around 5,200 employees in a network of around 880 acceptance points and 152 employees at the Koblenz headquarters and in seven district offices, Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz is one of the most important companies in the state and has been ensuring smooth operations for decades with a seamless security system and state-of-the-art technology and safe gameplay.

Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz has not only made and continues to make the countless winners happy with its range of games. The company fulfills a major social mission for Rhineland-Palatinate: Around 34 percent of the turnover generated by the company goes to the state of Rhineland-Palatinate as taxes and duties.

“This enormous financial commitment to the common good covers all social groups,” emphasized Häfner, who is proud that Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz has been a loyal and reliable partner for society for 75 years: “This significant contribution to sustainability in As a gaming company, we want to continue to provide our federal state in the future.”

The representatives of the beneficiaries who were present were happy about this.: “We are grateful to be a partner of Lotto”, summarized the DRK state chairwoman Anke Marzi in her function as chairman of the advisory board of the beneficiaries of GlücksSpirale and BINGO: “The Lotto Funds give us the opportunity to help flexibly.” This was also confirmed by Rudolf Storck, President of the Palatinate Sports Association and Chairman of the Lotto General Assembly: “We benefit in sport, we benefit in our clubs, our athletes benefit – it was just an incredibly good one thing that Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz was founded.”

Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz will continue the anniversary celebrations for the public on July 8, 2023 with an “Open Day”. On this day, a big “Glüxfest” with many attractions and highlights is celebrated on the company’s premises in the Koblenz administration center.

SOURCE: Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH.

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