Gambling Commission Unveils Evidence Gaps and Priorities Programme 2023 to 2026
BIRMINGHAM (May 23, 2023) — As part of our role as a people focussed and evidence-led regulator, we are constantly studying and delivering ways to improve our data, research and evidence.
As part of our role as a people-focused and evidence-led regulator, we are constantly studying and delivering ways to improve our data, research and evidence. This work supports better regulation and better outcomes for the millions of consumers who gamble in Great Britain.
As a key part of this work, today we are unveiling our Evidence Gaps and Priorities programme which outlines our direction of travel for the next three years. The document outlines a cohesive and consistent framework for improving the evidence base, in line with our regulatory duties. Following our successful Setting the Evidence Agenda conference earlier this year, it will also help external stakeholders better understand the scope of our remit and where they can contribute to improving the evidence base.
Through the programme, we have identified six evidence themes that cover the gaps and research questions that must be answered to enable us to regulate effectively. Those six themes are:
- early gambling experiences and gateway products
- the range and variability of gambling experiences
- gambling-related harms and vulnerability
- the impact of operator practices
- product characteristics and risk
- illegal gambling and crime.
These themes build on the solid foundation already in place. However, with the Gambling Act Review White Paper now published, the next few years provide a further opportunity to make real progress towards making gambling in Great Britain safer, fairer and crime-free.
Read more about our evidence gaps and priorities from 2023 to 2026.
SOURCE: Gambling Commission.