Lottery Dedicates Raffle to World Biodiversity Day

June 2, 2023 | Lottery News

El Salvador (June 1, 2023) — The May 31 draw was dedicated to World Biodiversity Day and began with the words of Javier Milián, president of the National Charity Lottery and president of CIBELAE, who said.

“Today we are meeting with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, to celebrate World Biodiversity Day through a Lottery draw; a very important date that invites us to reflect on the richness and importance of life in all its forms. On this day, we remember the vitality of our planet and the need to protect and preserve the biodiversity that surrounds us,” he noted.

At the event, the minister highlighted and recognized the valuable work carried out by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources. “His work is fundamental since he is in charge of promoting an environmentally innovative, responsible and transparent administration. Through their work they demonstrate their commitment to protect our environment and restore our country’s natural resources,” he added.

Biodiversity is an invaluable treasure that we possess; our forests, rivers, oceans and lands are home to an immense variety of species, all interconnected in a delicate balance. Every plant, animal, and microorganism plays a crucial role in sustaining life on our planet.

“We face great challenges that threaten this diversity. Climate change, deforestation, pollution and habitat loss are just some of the issues that require joint and determined action from all sectors.

In this sense, I want to express my gratitude to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources for its commitment to this task. Through their work, they are promoting policies and strategies that seek to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Their innovative, responsible and transparent approach is an example for other countries to follow and demonstrates the leadership they are exercising in protecting the environment”, Milián added.

The minister pointed out that the conservation of biodiversity is not only a responsibility of the government, but of all as citizens, and stressed that every action counts, from recycling in homes to participating in projects to restore local ecosystems.

For this raffle, thousands of tickets circulated with a representative image of World Biodiversity Day, in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and had great prizes: the third prize is $10,000, the second prize is $20,000, and the first prize accumulated by $380,000.

Through the purchase of LOTRA, LOTÍN and DALE, customers join the Juntos Hacemos Beneficencia program, which supports the State and changes the lives of many Salvadorans.

SOURCE: 102nine Digital Newspaper of El Salvador.

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