Lottopar is the First State Lottery in Brazil to Join the WLA

November 16, 2023 | Lottery News

Buenos Aires, Argentina (November 10, 2023) —  Loterias do Estado do Paraná (Lottopar) announced this week that it has joined the World Lottery Association (WLA), the largest lottery association in the world, which brings together more than 150 state lotteries in 80 countries on five continents. It is the first state lottery in Brazil to join this international organization, considered a world authority in the sector that seeks to defend the highest ethical principles in terms of safe gaming and responsible gaming.

According to the CEO of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski , with this accession to the WLA, the Government of Paraná demonstrates once again its commitment to the strictest standards of social responsibility and to the promotion of a safe gaming environment, which aims to protect to the player and offer conditions for the practice of responsible gaming.

“The accession is fundamental for Paraná and highlights the pioneering role of our institution. “We want to exchange knowledge and experiences and continue our constant search for best management practices in the global lottery market,” he stated. “By being part of the WLA, we have the opportunity to improve our management in all areas, such as risk and security management, marketing and corporate social responsibility and always with the aim of improving the offer of a safe gaming environment.”

To be part of the largest lottery association in the world, Lottopar had to meet a series of requirements, including the commitment to comply with Responsible Gaming policies and a Code of Ethics that will guide not only the actions of Lottopar, but also those of all participants in the lottery gaming system, such as operators, suppliers and other interested parties.

Regular member of Cibelae

Lottopar is also a member of the Ibero-American State Lottery and Betting Corporation (Cibelae), an entity that helps it strengthen ties with other state lotteries to share knowledge and experiences in areas such as responsible gaming, prevention of money laundering and liability. social.

From Cibelae, we salute Lottopar for this outstanding achievement by becoming the first state lottery in Brazil to join the WLA. This step reflects Lottopar’s commitment to Responsible Gaming and industry best practices. Collaborations with the WLA and Cibelae will undoubtedly strengthen the upcoming launch of Lottopar operations. We congratulate the entire Paraná team on this significant milestone, with the wish for a future full of success.

SOURCE: Cibelae.

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