Government of Amazonas Contracts Study to Implement State Lotteries

February 9, 2024 | Lottery News

(February 8, 2024) — Two years ago, the government of Amazonas sanctioned Law 5,749 of December 23, 2021 , which authorized the public service of state lotteries. And, last Thursday (February 1st), there was the publication of the hiring of the company Social Solutions Tecnologia, for almost R$ 28 thousand, to prepare technical studies for structuring, implementation and operation of the service. The deadline is 12 months for completion.


lotteries, lottery, state, state, state, amazon

In the State of Rio de Janeiro, the state lottery is called Loterj.

According to the CEO of Companhia Amazonense de Desenvolvimento e Mobilização de Ativos (Cada), Acram Isper Junior, the study should present the best way to structure the activity and what services should be offered in the State’s lotteries.

According to Acram Junior, state lotteries will be under the direct management of the State Department of Finance (Sefaz). And Sefaz must promote public competition to grant the right to explore through a public concession to a company. (listen below)

Finally, the state lottery aims to encourage non-tax revenue to finance socially relevant activities. The priority established by law is the financing of social security, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic.

SOURCE: Radio Rio Mar.

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