April 10: Deadline to Participate in the Public Call to Exploit Lottery Modalities in the State of Paraná
The Public Call will allow the development of four lottery modalities: numerical predictions, passive predictions, sports predictions and specific predictions.
BRAZIL (April 8, 2024) — Wednesday ends the deadline for submitting documentation for companies interested in exploiting the forecast lottery and passive lottery modalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil.
Companies that wish to obtain a license to operate in the lottery modalities of numerical forecasts, passive forecasts, sports forecasts and specific forecasts, physically and/or virtually, have until the 10th of this month to register in the Public Call and send the required documentation. At this stage, the documentation received will be analyzed by the Lottopar Special Accreditation Committee . All stages of the Public Call will be conducted by this Lottery Commission of the State of Paraná with the support of B3 SA – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão.
B3 is also supporting the Lottopar Special Accreditation Commission in the documentary analysis of this Public Call . The contract will be signed and the service order issued at the headquarters of the Exchange, in São Paulo, in June.
The Public Call can be consulted at this link , at www.lottopar.pr.gov.br , on the Procurement Portal of the State of Paraná and on the Transparency Portal of the State of Paraná.
Number forecasting is the type of lottery in which the player tries to predict which numbers will be drawn in the contest. The passive type is the type of lottery in which the player buys the already numbered ticket. Specific predictions are lottery games in which the player indicates numbers from a set of predictions on whole numbers and, possibly, the symbol or name of a sports organization. Sports predictions are lottery games in which the player tries to predict the outcome of sporting events.
Requests for clarification and information on the provisions of this public notice, its annexes and accreditation procedures must be addressed in writing to c redenciamento@loteriasdoparana.pr.gov.br .
SOURCE: Cibelae.