Operators Will Have Until August to Implement Actions to Promote Responsible Gaming
Bogotá, (April 18, 2024) —Through Resolution 7624 of 2024, Coljuegos extended the deadline until next August 1 for operators that have a current concession contract to implement actions to promote responsible gaming in the country.
According to the president of the entity, Marco Emilio Hincapié, the objective of this resolution is to encourage operators to develop strategies that raise awareness among bettors about the consequences of inappropriate use of the game .
“The responsible gaming strategy is made up of two stages: first, implementation, which is in charge of the operators and includes self-control mechanisms for the players; and second, monitoring, through which the results of the program are evaluated ,” said Hincapié.
Likewise, the president indicated that, currently, Coljuegos is working on strengthening the strategy to promote responsible gaming, in order to maximize the protection of risk groups.
“We have been working hand in hand with the operators with the intention of establishing guidelines and management indicators for the creation and implementation of manuals of good responsible gaming practices ,” said the president.
And he added: “We are also working on building a support network for those potentially affected. To this end, we have approached organizations and institutions that provide mental health services to help us care for those who present symptoms of uncontrolled gambling .
It is worth noting that, for next May 2, a working group is convened with foundations and IPS interested in signing an agreement with Coljuegos to strengthen the responsible gaming and mental health strategy.
Bulletin No. 29:
- Statements Marco Emilio Hincapié Ramirez, president of Coljuegos
- Resolution “By which the guidelines on responsible gaming are established”
SOURCE: Coljuegos.
Tags: responsible gambling, Coljuegos, Operators