EL Annual Report 2023: A Year’s work on Positive Social Impact

July 4, 2024 | Lottery News

July 3, 2024 — The latest EL Annual Report highlights a year that stands as further evidence of the significant impact that lotteries are making as responsible, forward-thinking and innovative entities. In 2023, the election of a new President and Executive Committee brought with it a new strategy and advancements in the field of responsible gaming, sustainability and innovation, all reflecting EL’s members commitments to create a positive social impact for the benefit of society.

Unveiling EL’s New Strategy

With the new Executive Committee came a refreshed EL Strategic Outline for the period 2023-2025. The strategy focuses on three key areas, essential for achievement the strategic goals: positive social impact, effective communications and responsible innovation facilitation. In 2023 EL started to showcase the first evidence on how its members are increasingly shaping the European games of chance landscape towards responsibility, sustainability and inclusion. Simultaneously in 2023, EL and its members remained a community of accomplished market players, as evidenced by the achievements and success stories in 2023. Over 2023, EL’s members contributed 22,2 billion euros back to society.

”Looking Forward” – EL Congress & Trade Show, Šibenik

The 10th edition of the EL Congress was a highlight of 2023, with a record number of participants, top keynote speakers, Trade Show and award-winning advertisement commercials. The Congress was a chance to reconnect and look to the future of lotteries, emphasising the ongoing commitment to innovation and growth in the lottery sector.

Responsibility and Sustainability at heart of EL activities

At the core of national lotteries as EL members lies a common heritage of responsible games for public good. In 2023, EL continued its efforts to promote responsible gaming. Thanks to its Support Programme, by the end of 2023, all EL Members successfully achieved independent Responsible Gaming certification, or a commitment level. This achievement is unique in the sector.

Significantly upgraded EL Sustainability Guidelines in 2023 have strengthened the lotteries’ commitment across broader topics. By the end of the year, over 40 percent of EL members had signed the voluntary EL Environmental Initiative, also benefiting from the newly introduced Support Programme.

The fourth European class of WILL – Women’s Initiative in Lottery Leadership – welcomed a record number of participating female mentees in 2023 (11 in total). For the first time, four male colleagues stepped forward as mentors. WILL was also recognised externally as a 2023 finalist for the DEI award from the European Society of Association Executives.

Advocating & promoting the interest of EL Members

In 2023, EL actively engaged in policy debates at both supra-national level and, when asked by a member, at national level. The Association continued to advocate for the sustainable lottery model that it so importantly promotes and defends. For example, EL welcomed the European Parliament’s adoption of its resolution on ”Consumer Protection in Online Video Games,” but called for the clear separation to be maintained between gambling and gaming. Also, as part of strategic advocacy efforts, EL developed a series of position papers on key topics, namely, consumer protection and responsible gaming, taxonomy, videogames & Web3 and sport integrity. EL continued to address regulatory challenges, such as gambling advertising restrictions, by updating the Antwerp Resolution in 2023, and emphasising a risk-based approach to gambling regulation​​.

Forward Thinking

With its new strategy and continued dedication to responsible gaming, sustainability, and innovation, EL is well-positioned to lead the lottery sector towards a responsible and sustainable future. The Association continued to grow in 2023, as a vibrant community with its own unique culture and a profound mission: for the benefit of society.  The work continues into 2024 to further show the importance of the sustainable lottery model. EL will continue to work on the visibility of its members’ positive impact as well as to protect the players with the highest standards towards responsible gaming. EL will as well continue to fight illegal gambling activities.

Annual Report available here https://www.european-lotteries.org/news/el-annual-report-2023

