Lotteries Increased Transfers to Health Funds by 25%

September 2, 2024 | Lottery News

Bogota, August 26, 2024 — So far in 2024, the 15 lotteries operating in the country have transferred around $143,977 million to departmental and municipal health funds. These resources have allowed territorial entities to invest in hospital infrastructure, equipment and coverage expansion projects.

“This year, lotteries have transferred $28.937 billion more than in the same period in 2023. This indicates that transfers for health have increased by 25%. This is due to the joint work between companies and the National Council of Games of Chance and Luck,” said Marco Emilio Hincapié, president of Coljuegos.

Thus, lotteries are the territorial game that has shown the greatest growth during the year, above permanent bets (chance) and Scratch&Listo.

“If we take into account all territorial games, we are reaching $346.499 million in transfers for health care in the departments and municipalities. We believe that, in the remainder of the year, we will be able to surpass the goal of $470.000 million in resources transferred by the territorial games,” said Hincapié.

He added: “We hope that with projects such as the regulation of the second extraordinary draw, the capitalization of profits and agreements for legality, we can continue to strengthen our 15 lotteries.”

On the other hand, it is important to highlight that the game of chance has transferred close to $180,185 million to health, while the Raspa&Listo has contributed resources close to $22,337 million.

To date, the game of chance has awarded $573.878 million in prizes to gamblers, while lottery prizes worth $175.157 million have been awarded. Meanwhile, the Scratch&Listo prizes exceed $83.048 million.

“We invite all Colombians to play chance, lotteries and Raspa&Listo only at authorized points of sale. Playing legally helps us protect our departmental companies and continue increasing transfers,” Hincapié concluded.

SOURCE: Coljuegos.

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