Presidents of FENAMIX and SELAE Meet to Discuss Issues of Special Importance and Indispensable for the Mixed State Lottery and Betting Points of Sale

March 1, 2024 | Lottery News

Sevilla, Spain (February 28, 2024) — Last Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the president of Fenamix Pep Vallori, together with the first vice president, José Maria Herrador and the secretary, Francisco José Pérez Segovia, held a meeting with the president of Selae D. Jesús Huerta and the director of the sales network, Mr. Jesús Mayoral to discuss the points that we list and that we develop below since we understand that they are of special importance and indispensable for the Mixed State Lottery and Betting points of sale and that we cannot delay them any longer.

Before going into detail about each point that had previously been communicated to the president with the meeting request, Mr. Huerta made us participate in an analysis of the increase in commissions and the package of measures carried out as a complement.

In this sense, the president tells us the percentages of increased sales, around 3% in the total number of games, 4.37% in the Christmas Lottery and 5.45% in the El Niño Lottery and that The commissions received by the points of sale have represented an increase of 12% on average, and what is allocated to the sales network is practically a third of the Entity’s profits. He also tells us the positive impact of the inclusion of the La Primitiva draw on Monday and the Bonoloto draw on Sunday.

At Fenamix we value this data positively, as well as the inclusion of the raffle days that have been carried out according to the deadlines set for the inclusion of the package of measures, but emphasizing that the bulk of the commissions have benefited the points of sale. integral by further increasing the percentage of commission on the product that sells the most and that they sell the most by having the best sales conditions.

Having established the above, we move on to develop, below, the points that we consider essential for our Mixed points of sale to feel duly recognized by SELAE, and that we are sure that with the work of both parties it will be very beneficial for everyone:

  • After the end of the contract in November 2022 between SELAE and IGT and, from that date, the printers can no longer be purchased, although their maintenance is guaranteed until 2026, we need to know the position to be adopted by SELAE in relationship with this product and what steps will be followed to guarantee sales in this format.

According to the president, they are working and looking at different alternatives so that before 2026, which is when the printer maintenance ends, we have a solution. We will continue talking about this issue as long as progress continues and providing the solutions we demand.

  • There is no doubt that the mixed points of sale, belonging to the SELAE sales network, sell the Christmas Lottery in inferior conditions, at a disadvantage and with deficiencies in relation to the comprehensive network. We are very aware that we must stick to the sale of numbers included in the terminal, but it is increasingly common that we are asked for certain amounts of receipts for a company, association, group, club, troupe, etc., and that we cannot attend for not having liquidity for its settlement/payment to SELAE, in the following week. Likewise, to win over these clients or simply not lose them, we contract a financial product to be able to face the liquidation, with the expenses that this entails in interest and management expenses.

We understand that a good solution that would give a plus to the mixed points of sale and we could serve these customers, would be to be able to request through eStila, through a form with the data of the entity, company, association, etc., the amount they want and block this number.

On the day that the Christmas Lottery goes on sale, as you know, the mixed points of sale, in order to have the number of the point of sale, the neighborhood or attractive numbers for customers for sale, validate quantities based on their sales possibilities that must be settled to SELAE on Thursday of the following week, but that we still have in deposit. The vast majority, apart from using private money to face this weekly settlement, formalize credit policies with banking entities, with the consequent expense that this causes. Given the economic situation that the country faces and that interest rates have been rising, it is currently unfeasible to take out a credit policy to cover settlements, given that the commission for this product is lower than the cost of bank interest. Therefore, it is essential to find a solution to this situation and prevent us from having to sell at a loss.

It is a very sensitive topic and one that we have put on the table by listing the numerous inconveniences that we encountered with the sale of the Christmas Lottery, whether it be to be able to have receipts for our clients, the number of our point of sale, the neighborhood or groups as we have detailed. We have conveyed to the president that we cannot receive such differentiating treatment by selling the same product, even if it is not in the same format. We have insisted once again that we are talking about the numbers available on the terminal, and that it is essential that we find a solution that allows us to work with dignity.

In this sense we have decided that we will try to find a possible solution to our request.

  • Start of the Christmas Lottery sale by terminal. We request that the sale of the Christmas Lottery by terminal begin on the same date as the comprehensive network, as well as that all terminations with at least 2 digits be available in the terminal and that the numbers available per terminal not be reduced.

 At this point they tell us that everything possible is being done so that all points of sale start selling at the same time, but distribution must be taken into account and that it is within a logic that until a very high percentage does not have of the lottery at its points is not put on sale by terminal.

In relation to the terminations and numbers available per terminal, an attempt will be made to the extent possible to have all the terminations requested.

  • Population in the National Lottery reservation. In the month of October 2023, the insertion of the population into the blue slip of the National Lottery was scheduled and we were informed that due to technical problems it would be delayed. We request that this request be carried out as soon as possible and before the start of the 2024 Christmas Lottery sale.

Both the president and the director of the sales network inform us that before starting the sale of the Christmas Lottery 2024, the population will be inserted into the reservations of the National Lottery.

  • Printing of receipts. By having to print more than one receipt for the same number per terminal, there is the possibility of choosing how many can be printed – with a maximum of 10 – and they are printed automatically without having to pass the QR code as many times as there are receipts we must print.

The president has committed to studying it with the technology department to see its viability and give us an answer.

  • Everyone knows the importance of the Christmas Lottery announcement, both in the summer campaign and one month after the draw, to publicize the product and get the public to participate. Of course, it is a good showcase to introduce or familiarize the public with the other SELAE formats, marketed by the sales network. For this reason, we request that all formats be part of the advertising campaigns.

Advertising, whether on television, radio, press or even on social networks, is essential for the public to come to our points of sale to validate their moves. We understand that each game, that is, La primitiva, Bonoloto, El Gordo, Euromillones, La Quiniela, Eurodreams, Quinigol and even Lototurf and Quintuple Plus must have their spaces in the media, and above all, with the Jackpots that are generated. with these games. It should be noted that in Bonoloto the record Jackpot of €10,000,000 was reached and there was not a minimum of attention with this game. The same thing happens with La Quiniela, no start of the season, no jackpots in play.

At FENAMIX we request much more advertising for our games, aimed at in-person sales and not spending on advertising on the SELAE website, especially on social networks.

We conveyed to the president the importance of the appearance of the receipt in the Christmas advertisement, especially to make customers aware of the format and to ensure that it does not generate ignorance or rejection when it is marketed.

Likewise, as a complement to the package of measures that accompanies the increase in commissions, we understand the need for advertising of the rest of the games during the year, paying special attention to the jackpots of games that normally do not reach high amounts, as happened a few years ago. dates with the Bonoloto, do not leave aside La Quiniela at the beginning of the season or in intermediate days announced Botes.

As they tell us that budgets must be respected, we ask them to reserve a percentage for unforeseen campaigns of the jackpots that may be generated during the year.

On the other hand, in response to our request to include the EURODREAMS game in the Jackpots in Play poster, we are informed that the digital format will be modified and will be available to us on the eStila portal, differentiating itself from jackpot games.

  • Mixed points of sale, due to our history and origins, we have always marketed Peñas. Regarding this particular FENAMIX already held a meeting with the General Directorate of Taxes explaining the situation regarding the payment of prizes, the response of said General Directorate being that, as long as the payment of the prize paid by the owner of the point of sale was documented, this would be considered an intermediary manager before the Treasury inspection in this regard. For the above purposes, we have already delivered a report to that Presidency, where we request the collaboration of SELAE to modify the bank forms used with financial entities in the payment of prizes, so that the point of sale can collect and pay the prize. to the supporters clubs, without the need for their physical presence in said financial institution. In light of the above and, above all, to promote the commercialization of these clubs, we request that SELAE, in coordination with the Tax Administration, draft clear rules on the management of these active gaming clubs, so that The point of sale facilitates the management of payment of prizes to participating customers.

We put this point back on the table since we consider it essential to be certain that we act in accordance with established rules, although another issue that also affects is money laundering, which is why we ask the president to try to provide a solution to that forming Peñas is not a headache when it comes to paying the prizes and, above all, not putting obstacles in the way of sales.

  • It is the only game in which we are not allowed to market Peñas at Points of Sale, however, SELAE tolerates and allows the marketing of the National Lottery through other channels, with price increases and surcharges on its face value. Likewise, fractionation by other entities for sale in ballots is permitted. The marketing of Peñas also helps increase sales, which is why we request authorization for the marketing and distribution of the National Lottery through Peñas and other forms both inside and outside our Points of Sale.

Our insistence on this issue is reinforced with another complement to the increase in commissions, the sale cannot be hindered as long as it is done responsibly, as has been done with other games. We are informed that they will study our request and we will return to the issue.

  • It would be very interesting to have sales statistics from previous years in the graph.
  • The comprehensive network has information on the sale of National Lottery numbers by terminal on the eStila portal and the Mixed points of sale do not have this information. We ask you to have this same information available as soon as possible.
  • It would be very useful for mixed points of sale if, as in the Christmas and El Niño draw, the list of numbers available per terminal for all the draws of the year, that is, Thursdays and Saturdays, is published in eStila.

These requests tell us that before the sale of the 2024 Christmas Lottery begins, they will already be available on the eStila portal.

  • This payment method is increasingly used among our clients and it does not make any sense that mixed points of sale are treated differently from the comprehensive network when using this payment method for clients. Thus, we request to have the same conditions as the comprehensive network for payment of games by credit or debit card.

A situation in which a solution is complicated since SELAE always puts the management of our main activity first and we convey to you that what refers to the games should not be conditioned. We will continue contributing and proposing (such as connecting the dataphone to the terminal) to achieve what we believe is fair.

After this meeting we must highlight the willingness of President Mr. Huerta to assist us and understand our problems, not ruling out possible solutions that can be studied. Value your commitment to our proposals for the improvement of our daily work and of the entire sales network and understand that it is very important to make available to the sales network the necessary tools and mechanisms to sell more, without ruling out the possibility to incorporate new games.

At Fenamix we will spare no effort to continue improving, to make proposals and claim the equality and recognition that the Mixed Points of Sale deserve by being part of the State Lottery and Betting Sales Network.

SOURCE: Fenamix.

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