ZonMw Opens Subsidy Round ‘Care and Care Access for People with Gambling Problems’

September 17, 2024 | Problem Gambling

THE HAGUE (September 16, 2024) — On 16 September, ZonMw launched the call for proposals ‘Care and access to care for people with gambling problems‘. This is the second round of proposals within the research programme ‘Prevention of gambling addiction’. The call is open to researchers who are committed to improving care for people who experience problems due to gambling, and increasing the number of people who find access to help or treatment. This concerns self-help, online help, peer support, expert experience support, general care and mental health care and the accessibility thereof.

ZonMw’s research programme is one of the spending targets of the Addiction Prevention Fund, which was established in 2021 and is financed by an additional gambling levy on providers of high-risk gambling. The Gaming Authority (Ksa) manages this fund and works together with the Ministries of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and Justice and Security (JenV) on the spending of the funds.

Researchers can apply until November 19 to be considered for a grant for their research. In addition, an online information meeting will be organized on October 1 at 3:00 PM, in which the call for grants and the assessment process will be explained. Via this form(referring to another website) you can register for the information meeting.

SOURCE: De Kansspelautoriteit.

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